Participating Shop stores will provide exclusive Shop Cash offers where the value of your Shop Cash is increased at checkout. You can maximize your Shop Cash by taking advantage of these Shop Cash offers while quantities last. A Shop Cash offer isn't confirmed until the offer is applied to your cart at checkout. You can only apply a Shop Cash offer to an order if it's your first time shopping from that store.
Shop Cash offer limits
Shop stores can set limits on the Shop Cash offers, which include the following examples:
- A Shop Cash offer is available while quantities last, or until the offer expires.
- A Shop Cash offer might have a minimum order value required. If your cart doesn't meet the minimum order value, then you won't be eligible to increase the value of your Shop Cash using that Shop Cash offer.
- A Shop Cash offer might have a limit of how much Shop Cash can be multiplied for an offer.
View Shop Cash offers
To find Shop Cash offers in the Shop app, do either of the following:
- From the Home tab of the Shop app, tap Your Shop Cash offers.
- Tap your Shop Cash balance in the top right corner of the Shop app.