You might want to log out from all of your Shop Pay sessions if you recently used Shop Pay on a shared device, have changed devices, or have noticed any unusual activity. If you change your phone number on Shop Pay, then you're automatically logged out from all of your devices using Shop Pay.
To log out from all of your devices using Shop Pay, you need to log in to Shop through a web browser.
- Enter your email or select the passkey icon in the email field, and then click Continue.
- In the Verify your identity section, complete one of the following options:
- If you selected the passkey icon, then follow the prompts to sign in using your saved passkey.
- Enter the six-digit verification code sent to your phone number.
- Click Send me a code by email instead and then enter the six-digit verification code sent to your email.
After you log in, complete the following steps to log out everywhere from Shop Pay.
- Click Log out of all devices.
- On the Log out dialog, click Log out everywhere.
After you log out everywhere, you're redirected to the Shop login page. The next time you want to check out using Shop Pay, you'll need to log in again on your device.