In the event that you haven't received an order or suspect fraudulent activity from a store that you've purchased from, take any of the following steps that apply to your order to resolve the issue.
Contact the online store that you purchased from
If you're having issues with an order, then you should always start by contacting the Shop store that you purchased from. If you've received a tracking number for your order, then you should also contact the carrier delivering your order.
Contact your bank or payment provider
If you've contacted the store that you've purchased from, and the store is unresponsive, or you suspect fraudulent activity, then contact your bank or the payment provider that you placed your order with. Your bank or payment provider can help you dispute a transaction. After you dispute a transaction, Shopify receives a notification, which can then be used for Shopify to investigate the store that you've purchased from.
Contact Affirm about a Shop Pay Installments order
Shop Pay Installments is powered by Affirm, who can assist in situations where a store does not fulfill their obligations. If your purchase was made using Shop Pay Installments as a payment method, and the Shop store is unresponsive, then contact Affirm to dispute the purchase.
Report an issue with an order
Reporting an issue with an order helps Shopify investigate and take appropriate action against fraudulent activity. After you report an issue with an order, you're contacted only if Shopify requires further information about the issue.