Verify an order
If an unexpected or incorrect order appears in your Orders, then you can complete the following steps to verify where the order came from:
- From the Home or Orders tab, tap an order.
- Tap the ... menu.
- Tap View order email.
- Tap Continue to allow Shop to sign in with the email website to share information about you.
Report incorrect tracking info
If you can't find the order email to verify an order, then you can complete the following steps to report incorrect tracking info using Shop:
- From the Home or Orders tab, tap an order.
- Tap the ... menu.
- Tap Report incorrect information.
- Tap one or more of the following options:
- Wrong merchant
- Not my order
- Wrong tracking status
- This is spam
- Other
- Tap Submit.
If you have an issue with an order that you purchased through a Shop store, and you've already tried to contact the store directly, then you can use the Shop app to report an issue.